Catharsis by Painting with Hana Madness
Painting is an activity to produce images that can be done by anyone, from children to adults. No exception also with children with special needs. By painting, you will get various benefits, including as personal communication, relieve stress, and can increase self-confidence. So what are the benefits and other positive impacts? Check out the full […]
Smartfren WOW Talks With Hana Madness
Topic: Peduli dan Perhatikan Kesehatan Mental, Yuk! with Hana Madness as part of WOWLabs project presented by @smartfrenworldHere is the link to watch the talk “WOW Talks with Hana Madness”
Let’s Talk Abour Art & Mental Health With Hana Madness
“How did art in the end save her life so that she was able to work professionally as an artist without ever having formal art education? And what efforts does she make to manage her productivity both mentally and financially as a freelancer?” Let’s join the LET’S TALK ABOUT ART & MENTAL HEALTH class – […]
Ramadan edition giphy stickers by Hana Madness in collaboration with smartfren
As part of my collaboration with smartfren. I created Ramadan edition giphy stickers that you can use on Instagram and Whatsapp :)))))
Empowering Women Through Art Presented by Airlangga University
The Faculty of Law, Airlangga University presents…ART FROM HOME 2021“EMPOWERING WOMEN THROUGH ART” Speaker:-Hana Alfikih (Visual Artis, Mental Health Activist)-Gusti Arirang ( Bassist/Vocalist of Tashoora)-Dr. Ike Herdiana, M.Psi., Psikolog. (Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, Airlangga University) Sunday, 2 May 2021 13.00 – end Zoom Meeting
Keluarga Extra Animation by Hana Madness in collaboration with Smartfren
In my collaboration project with smartfren for the month of Ramadan 2021, we created 4 episodes of animated videos that feature a family called “Keluarga Extra”. Consisting of Aki (as a grandfather), Ninik (as a grandmother), Abi (as a father), Umi (as a mother), also Nadim & Kiya (as children) with the fun and cuteness […]
Limited Edition Merchandise of Hana Madness in Collaboration with smartfren x Koolastuffa
Hi y’all! This is my limited edition scarf & koko shirt in collaboration with @smartfrenworld x Koolastuffa. By buying these merchandise, that means you are doing extra good, because all the profit will be donated to open opportunities for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) by disabled people via @benihbaik. It’s READY STOCK now!!! For purchase […]
smartfren WOW Podcast feat. Hana Madness & Atta Halilintar
In my collaboration with smartfren, I had the opportunity to chat with Atta Halilitar & Thariq Halilintar about creativity, opportunity & challenges that we face as artists. You can watch our talk via the following link smartfren WOW Podcast Eps. 2 Atta & Thariq Halilintar, Hana Madness)
Bukuakik Girls Day Out Interview
Bukuakik Girls Day Out is an online book festival presented by @bukuakik As the name implies, in this first festival they raised the theme of female creators, as a response to the celebration of Women History Month. During #bukuakikgirlsdayout, their Instagram will contain interviews, sharing ideas, recommendations, profiling female writers and exhibitions by female artists […]
Bipolar Affective Disorder & Creativity
In celebration of World Bipolar Day 2021 on March 30th, I will do Instagram live and have a fun chat with Dr. dr. Nova Riyanti Yusuf SpKJ (@true_noriyu) & dr. Mahaputra SpKJ from Indonesian Psychiatric Assosiation (@pdskjijaya). March 23, 2021 at 16.30-17.30 WIB.