Boundaries are not an obstacle to success, but sincere intention and maximum effort will help us realize the dream of “Breaking Boundaries”
Watch “Kata Sandi”, 3 August 2020 live at 18:30 WIB on @officialinewstv
- Hana Madness (Artist & Metal Healt Ativist)
- Angkie Yudistia (President’s Special Millennial Staff)
- Kopi Tuli (A coffee shop staffed entirely by Deaf people)
- Teten Masduki (The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs)
- Sayudi (Owner of Warteg Bahari)
Sadiaga Uno as the host holding my customized tote bag.
Me along with Sandiaga Uno and Angkie Yudistia.

Me with the founders of Kopi Tuli.