“Celebrating Our Identity” my first animation project in collaboration with Alexis Maxwell (St. Helens based artist) will be released globally at “Dadafest International” on Thursday, 3 December 2020. 🇮🇩 🇬🇧
This work explores the shared experiences that wind our narratives together as ‘mentally disabled’ artists by using illustration, animation and sound to explore the barriers in both Indonesia and the UK.
We try to invite the audience to enter into the atmosphere of “our world”, from our point of view who experience it.
Our restlessness has become a strengthening spirit that will change the negative narratives which exist in our society. Mental illness is indeed something that is very challenging, especially for us who experience it and the people who live side by side with us. However, the negative stigma and the lack of fair access are even more vicious than mental illness itself.
“We exist. We are valid. And we can’t be invisible anymore!”
The festival will be hosted on DaDaFest’s website until 13 December 2020. Audio Description, (BSL) British Sign Language & Closed Captions are available.
(Spoken in Bahasa & English) | (Duration: 6:14 mins)
For more details kindly visit DaDaFest International 2020: Translations