Hana Madness for UK/ID Fest 2017 (Jakarta Unlimited Arts and Disability)

The UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and
educational opportunities British Council in Indonesia holds the second UK/ID Festival
2017 with theme “Come Together” that will run from 17-22 October at The
Establishment, SCBD, Jakarta.
The festival will involve 32 arts organisations and artists from Indonesia and 22 artists
from UK. The theme “Come Together” represents the value of talking and listening to the
people who are different from us, as well as celebrating the vast human, cultural and
ecological diversity of both the UK and Indonesia and illustrating the creative potential
of disability.

“This festival is charged by the youthful spirit of the UK and Indonesia: a celebration of
the amazing things that can happen when talented people from very different origins
come together to share ideas and creativity” 
 So for this event, I am showing my paintings for the exhibition, and on Sunday October 22 I will run a workshop which will invite 10 people with mental disability to do painting together and also in the same day Im gonna give a speech in a panel discussion about Arts and Disability along with Adrian Yunan and Khairani Barokka.
  For UK/ID Festival schedule and details please visit
So guys, here are some updates about my participation at UK/ID Festival 2017
Panel discussion or artist talk along with Me (visual artist), Adriyan Yunan (musician), and Khairani Barokka (artist, disability activist).
 Me in front of my painting artworks for UK/ID Festival 2017. There was another 3D painting artworks from other artist which aims to enable blind-people to enjoy visual artworks.
Art therapy worksop involving 10 participants with mental disability. 
It was beyond my expectations. So many people who came suddenly to following this project. Thankyou all for the excitement!

I feel so grateful to finally can inspire a lot of people with mental disabilities to start making art without fear of being different. Art is a weapon and art belongs to everyone! 
I believe, artists with disabilities both physically and mentally will be able to get the same appreciation as other artists in general. :)))))
Thank you so much British Council Indonesia for allowing me to be a part of the UK/ID 2017. Much love!

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