Outsider Artpreneur 2019 “Pasung Kapal Lepas”, an exhibition by Indonesian Outsider Artists in collaboration with @studio_hanafiart and supported by @artpreneur
Will be open to public from 28 August – 8 September 2019 at Ciputra Artpreneur Gallery & Museum Jakarta.

During the opening of the exhibition I shared my impressions for being a part of the first Indonesian outsider art fair. As seen on the pictures down bellow, Jean Cocteau as the curator opened the exhibition for the media. Also the show was attended by Bapak Hilmar Farid as the Directorate General Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia.

In there, I brought 17 pcs of my original paintings including this one which is the latest one called “They Found Us In Peace”, acrylic on canvas, 100 cm x 100 cm.

One week after, more precisely on September 6 there was a charity concert by Kunto Aji and it was still a part of the event who raised funds to donate to the foundation that focuses on disability issue. In that concert, I did the live painting on luggage where the result will also be donated to the foundation.